

The SimpleK8s-Wizard is a user-friendly program that enables you to manage your Kubernetes node through a web-based UI.

To access the web UI, go to: https://<your-node-IP>:5443

By default, the SimpleK8s-Wizard is enabled. However, you can disable it using the following command:

# systemctl disable --now simplek8s-wizard


  • Installer (visible only on non-persistent environments)
  • Status
    • Node
      • Name
      • CPU
      • RAM
      • Storage
      • Interfaces
      • Mountpoints
      • Process list
  • KubeAdm
    • Create or Join a K8s cluster (visible only on nodes that have not the folder /etc/kubernetes)
    • Clean up (visible only on nodes that have the folder /etc/kubernetes)
    • Tokens (visible only on Control Plane nodes after creation/joining)
    • Add-ons
      • Network controller (CNI)
        • Calico
      • Storage controller (CSI)
      • Load Balancer controller
        • MetalLB
      • Ingress controller
        • Kubernetes-Nginx


The Installer section allows you to install SimpleK8s on a persistent storage medium, such as MVME, SSD, or HDD disk drivers.

The wizard will guide you through the following steps:

  1. Select the disk
  2. Create partitions
  3. (Optionally) Upload a simplek8s.yaml file for configuration.


The Status section provides an overview of your Kubernetes node’s current status and resource utilization.


  • Name: [Node Name]
  • CPU: [CPU Details]
  • RAM: [RAM Details]
  • Storage: [Storage Details]
  • Interfaces: [Network Interfaces Details]
  • Mountpoints: [Mounted Filesystems Details]
  • Process List: [List of Running Processes]


The KubeAdm section allows you to manage your Kubernetes cluster setup.

Create or Join a K8s Cluster

In this section, you can create a new Kubernetes cluster or join an existing one.


This section is only visible on Control Plane nodes after successfully creating or joining a Kubernetes cluster. It allows you to create kubeadm tokens to join new nodes.


The Add-ons section lets you configure various Kubernetes add-ons for enhanced functionality.

Network Controller (CNI)

  • Calico: Set up the Calico network controller for your cluster.

Storage Controller (CSI)

Configure the storage controller for seamless storage management in your Kubernetes cluster.

Load Balancer Controller

  • MetalLB: Set up MetalLB, the Load Balancer controller, to efficiently distribute incoming traffic.

Ingress Controller

  • Kubernetes-Nginx: Set up the Kubernetes-Nginx Ingress controller to manage incoming HTTP and HTTPS traffic.